Friday, November 26, 2010


wow this week said you are going to read this in sacrament or something i guess i have to say that the week was so amazing and great! haha no really it was pretty good!
one of the coolest things we are doing right now is working with less active members! rescueing them if you would!
its takes a lot of time and visit after visit you wonder what they will do or sometimes why they were even baptized! but as you see them throught the saviors eyes and truely come to know what the lord wants for them you are willing to do anything for them and you have the same desire that the savior has to get them to church, its not just a stat or hey the bishop asked us to get you to church so we have to , its hey...we want you to come to church so that you can renew your covenants with your father and partake of the sacrament  and remember yourself why you were baptized. It sees a lot of people forget why they were baptized...the sacrament helps us to remember why and what we were baptized for!
one cool thing i thought of was that every member a missionary and everymember a lifeguard! its not only the missionaries job to rescue or the bishops or the hometeachers ..its everyone we are all brothers and sisters and if we truely love eachother we wont let eachother drown in the sea of sin and forgetfulness.
thanks giving wil be fun we are going to visit three families! are area is so large we are going to drive over 4 hours on thanks giving just to get to two of the members homes! really in the middle of nowhere! but i love it!
hope all is well with the family! let me know how thanks giving goes! i love you so much!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trevor 11/1

wow thats crazy! sounds like ty is having some fun!
man im scared to see everyone in person and to really see how much they have changed!
people im teaching i would say the most solid are shylinn and judy padilla! daughter and mother! they are both interested in church but im not sure ion how solid they are in keeping commitments!  we will find our tonight!@
a cool story though is just the other day we were praying real hard to find someone! and we found david!
he just got here from arizona and we really close with the missionaries down there! the reason he came up to colorado is to live with his parents, he and his girlfriend had a kid and the bishop told him that he needed to find another ward to start attending! crazy! and he said him and his girlsfriend where not going to work out so he came here to start anew! he said he would love to keep learnig he said he know everything and told us about the plan of salvation! so cool! so im praying that david pravenchy will be getting baptized this month! weeeee!
the end!
yesterday was zone conference! which was really good as they all are! we talked about helping our investigators and what we can do to know why we are there and what we can do to help them feel the spirit!
one thig i like was that if we can help them come to know of a past time when thety have felt the spirit then it will be easy for us to help them know that the spirit is there as we share the first vision! after that it will be east to invite them to recive a baptismal date! its rad! the revelation that comes as we are constantly praying for the guidance of the holy ghost in our lessons!
o thanks for the package its was delish!
we are going to take some sweet pictures today by this little lake with the trees all around it in different colors! you will like it!
hows home whats going on right now!?
