Sunday, September 13, 2009

Les Miserables

On Friday night I gathered my kids and a few more to go and see Josh in Les Mis.  Josh was Javert and he was FaBuLoUs!  The play was very well done and I was pleasantly surprised by all of the amazing talent there.  You can tell that some of the kids will go far with their voices.  This is one of my favorite plays and I was choked up quite a few times.  First when Josh came out and started singing  - I kept saying "is that my baby brother up there?".  It was a bit surreal to see him looking so big and scary and singing so low and so well.  I was so proud that I choked up right there and didn't stop during the entire play.  It is such a fabulous story or redemption.  It was a little hard trying to explain to Tanner why Josh just killed himself at the end (the Javert suicide scene) especially since Tanner kept asking and didn't understand why Josh was playing a bad guy.  ;) Luckily he still thinks Josh is awes.  The kids were all very good due to some great and funny scenes and a whole bag of candy.  It was an unforgettable night!  Go Josh!
We had quite a crew waiting after to see the famous Javert
Josh with all his make-up and creepy sideburns.  They wouldn't let them come out in costumes but his were amazing.

Josh trying to get his Wolfman sideburns off.  The kids were fascinated (boys) and repulsed (girls) by the extra hair on Uncle Josh.

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